Sthira Sukham Asanam स्थिरसुखमासनम्
Find the Balance between effort and ease.
Emerald Lake | British Columbia | Canada
Natarajasana | Dancer’s Pose
Cherry Blossoms | Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Beluga Whale
Hanumanasana | Monkey Pose | Splits
Vancouver Aquarium | Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Photographed by: Jay Lee
“Today you are You,
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
Who is Youer than You.”
~ Dr. Seuss -
Beluga Whale | Vancouver Aquarium | Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Photographed by: Jay Lee
Adho Mukha Vrkasana | Handstand
Canadian Research Center | British Columbia | Canada
Summer Sunset over Merrit
Adho Mukha Vrksasana | Handstand
Merrit | British Columbia | Canada
Vrschikasana | Scorpion Handstand | Yoga Pose
Squamish | British Columbia | Canada
Namaste TV
Sirsasana | Headstand | Yoga Pose
VanDusen Botanical Garden | Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Natarajasana | Lord of the Dance Pose
Elfin Lake | Garibaldi Provincial Park | British Columbia | Canada
Virabhadrasana II | Warrior II
Elfin Lake | Garibaldi Provincial Park | British Columbia | Canada
Vrischikasana | Scorpion Pose
Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Namaste TV | Namaste Yoga | Season 3
Pincha Mayurasana | Feathered Peacock Pose | Forearmstand
Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
For the people who don’t own a TV, myself included. An Episode of Namaste TV is now online!
Yay - Season 4 will be airing tomorrow on The Brand New ONE at 7am, 9:30am and 5pm.
Airing everyday, find the schedule on
Juniper Point | Lighthouse Provincial Park | West Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Eep! A little preview of Namaste TV
More to come soon!
Upavista Konasana | Seated Wide Leg Forward Fold
Emerald Lake | Yoho National Park | British Columbia | Canada
Live each day with no regrets
Warrior II | Virabhadrasana II
Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada
Namaste TV | Namaste Yoga | Season 3